Finnish Cheese Company Ltd

Finnish Cheese Company is a manufacturer, marketer and seller of plant based dessert and cheese alternatives and cheese products such as cream cheese, process cheese, slices and grated cheese. We are a contract manufacturer to retailers´ brands. Our factory is certificated extensively. We hold FSSC 22000, Organic and Halal certifications.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: America, Asia, Europe
Turnover: € 0-25M

Our value proposition

Excellent quality, innovative products, customer-oriented service

Our offering

Our product range includes plant-based desserts, cheese alternatives and spreads made of cashew nuts and oats. We also produce hummus and milk-based products such as cream cheese, process cheese, slices and grated cheese.

About Finnish Cheese Company Ltd

Finnish Cheese Company is an agile food company that has found its place among large companies during its twenty years of operation. We serve both the food industry and consumers in a truly customer-oriented manner. We seek solutions for various needs together with our customers.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for brand importers and private label partners.

Contact info Finnish Cheese Company Ltd

Tel: +358400 314 214 Juustotie 12 42100 Jämsä

Managing Director Esa Luomanpera
Last updated 2.10.2023