Quanscient Oy

Quanscient develops multiphysics simulations algorithms using cloud and quantum computing. Our customers are designers of MEMS products, electric motors and products based on superconducting technologies, such as fusion energy and MRI devices.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: America, Europe
Turnover: € 0-25M
Key offering: Quantum Computing

Our value proposition

Quanscient.allsolve speeds up product development workflow with simulations over 100x saving months in product-to-market time for our users.

Our offering

Quanscient.allsolve multiphysics simulation platform: https://www.quanscient.com/allsolve

About Quanscient Oy

Quanscient was founded in 2021 by Juha Riippi, Valtteri Lahtinen, Alexandre Halbach and Asser Lähdemäki. Our HQ is in Tampere and we have clients from the EU, UK and USA.

What kind of partner we are looking for

Companies utilizing multiphysics simulations in their product design workflow.

Contact info Quanscient Oy https://www.quanscient.com

Tel: +358 40 838 8006 Åkerlundinkatu 8 33100 Tampere

CEO Juha Riippi
Last updated 9.11.2023